
How I'm voting on Colorado ballot issues

How I'm voting on Colorado ballot issues

Because friends often ask how I’m voting and why, here’s my take on this year’s measures.  Keen observers will see I am voting a straight-ticket “No,” and for good reasons.

Let's be the Backbone State

What’s a state? For starters, an expanse of territory, a resident population, and a sovereign government. But there’s a lot more, when you think about it as I’ve tried to do in my new book, Backbone Colorado USA. A way of life, a set of values, shared history and traditions, all play a part. As Colorado marks 140 years of statehood this year, it has actually come to reflect a special state of mind.

What if it's not possible to be both a good Muslim and a good American?

Can a good Muslim be a good American? Brian, a constitutional scholar, put the question to Michael, a national security expert, as we passed the Washington office of Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim to serve there. Ellison’s decision to be sworn in on the Quran still echoes controversially.