Radio, June 25: Limit the Judges

Join us on radio every Sunday, 5-8pm on 710 KNUS, DenverTo listen online from anywhere, click ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rotation in office, a republican principle cherished by America's Founders, was giving way to near-permanent incumbency in many areas of government as our constitution entered its third century. Term limits, added for the president in the 1950s, were set for most elected officials in Colorado and other states in the 1990s. Now it's the judiciary's turn.

Limit the Judges is a citizens petition campaign seeking 100,000 signatures in 50 days to put judicial term limits on the Colorado ballot this fall. I am the chairman, assisted by several prominent legislators. "Ten years and out" would be the limit for our state Supreme Court and Court of Appeals if the proposal passes. Details are at

Blatant judicial imperialism by Supreme Court Democrats in striking down the illegal-alien ballot issue, along with the bizarre Appeals Court ruling that upheld a middle-aged creep (and convict) claiming he had married a child bride, has fired up supporters of our reform. Have these fixtures on the bench had their heads turned by too long in power?

"Backbone Radio with John Andrews," this Sunday on 710 KNUS in Denver, will be without John -- as I canoe a river in Washington State, where Democrat judges stole the 2004 election for governor, as you may recall. So my friends Joshua Sharf and Matt Dunn will share the microphone as Acting Mayors of Backbone.

Term limits for judges will be up for discussion with them by way of your calls to the show at 303-696-1971, or your emails to -- during airtime or right now. They will also discuss such national stories as the big WMD find in Iraq -- snubbed, no surprise, by mainstream media since Sen. Rick Santorum announced it on Wednesday.

Other topics and guests that Joshua and Matt will be covering on Sunday the 25th are...

** The wily ways of that very same mainstream media, as monitored by Matthew Sheffield of the website, for which Sharf blogs -- an activity of the Media Research Center.

** The "Free Markets, Free People" liberty class taught by Prof. Paul Prentice at the Independence Institute on Wednesday evenings starting June 28.

** What's the contrast of the approach to science and technology by today's Judaism vs. the evangelical Christian perspective more frequently heard on our show? Joshua calls Rabbi Barry Freundel to testify.

Tune in from 5-8pm this Sunday, June 25, on 710 KNUS in Denver and around the world. Call in with your two-cents at 303-696-1971. Or comment by email, during the show or right now, at

There's nothing else quite like Backbone Radio, the most principled, most patriotic, most faith-based, most Colorado-proud spot on the dial. Tune in for another lively Sunday evening of fact, opinion, and insight.

Yours for self-government, JOHN ANDREWS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In studio next week, 7th Congressional District candidate Herb Rubenstein, the only Democrat in that race who hasn't ducked my invitations for an interview. Ed Perlmutter and Peggy Lamm, why are you avoiding me? --------------------------------------