Radio, Mar. 11: Own worst enemy?

Join us on radio every Sunday, 5-8pm on 710 KNUS, DenverTo listen online from anywhere, click ------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was quite a week. Since Sunday I've been targeted with venom and rage from the left for saying in my column that it's okay to embrace "America without apologies," and that our fellow citizens who see only America's imperfections are like spoiled children.

Tuesday I was the guest of Bellevue University in Omaha for a speech on conservatism in the 21st century. We talked about the sad irony of many of our country's most affluent and educated people being its shrillest detractors. John Muller, Bellevue's president, remarked that "success can be its own worst enemy," whether for a person, an institution, or a whole nation like ours.

Such forces of decline and defeat are what you and I as conservatives must fight with all the backbone we can muster. We at "Backbone Radio with John Andrews" try to do our part in that struggle week by week. This Sunday my able mike partners - Joshua Sharf, Krista Kafer, and Matt Dunn - will carry the show while I take some downtime with family. But I'll be listening, and I hope you will too.

** Congressman David Dreier of California, a leading House Republican, reports on life in the Pelosi era since Dems took over two months ago.

** Former Congressman Bob Schaffer, now on the Colorado Board of Education and a potential US Senate candidate next year, discusses school issues and the 2008 political outlook.

** Herb London, president of the Hudson Institute, talks about the global war with radical Islam.

Spin the dial, surf the net, troll through the weekdays -- you just won't find anything else like Backbone Radio. Please be part of our show this weekend by tuning in at 5pm Sunday.

Yours for self-government, JOHN ANDREWS