We win the Ronnie

Yes, it's true. Trigger the ticker tape and get the confetti ready. Backbone Radio and John Andrews have been awarded the prestigious Ronald Reagan Prize for Radio Greatness. We're blushing with proud humility. Our audience may not be huge, our influence may not be vast, but we talk a good game, and for a talk show that's all it takes. (For harder work like the presidency or peacemaking, a bit more is needed.) Join us Sunday evening for an orgy of selfless self-congratulation over winning the Ronnie, as Matt Schmitz and I talk with guests including... 5pm Prize Ceremony & Pop Quiz 520 Douglas County School Board Reform Slate 530 Kail Padgett on Colorado Tax Trends 6pm George Gilder on "The Israel Test" 630 Joseph C. Phillips on the Race Card 7p Kent Holsinger on Endangered Species 730 David Harsanyi on Rampaging Government

Yours for feel-good prizes all around, JOHN ANDREWS