An Open Letter to Republicans: Fear Not

(By Paul Prentice) Courage, my fellow GOP loyalists. It is not easy to buck the media narrative. But fear not, you will be rewarded. There are four major points to my argument. 

First, a majority of Americans want a fair and honest election.

Simply an election in which all legal votes are counted and all illegal votes are discarded. The Fake News media recognizes this, so they tell us over and over, “There is no evidence of election fraud.” 

 But in fact there is abundant evidence of massive election fraud. Witness reports and statistical anomalies should be investigated as diligently as the Russia Hoax investigation. We want the truth. Not just a blanket statement, “Nothing to see here. Move along.”

This reminds me of the astroturfing against Rush Limbaugh a few years ago. In an onslaught of Twitter and Facebook attacks, Rush was alleged to have made racist comments, an allegation that was false. Nevertheless, advertisers were intimidated, thinking that a large majority of regular Americans were upset with Rush. Upon investigation, it was found that 70 percent of the complaints came from just 10 people who used software to amplify their presence.

Don’t be fooled by the corrupt mainstream media’s attempt to create a reality that does not exist. We are being gaslighted into believing that the most egregious election fraud in U.S. history did not happen. Republicans, you cannot let this stand. 

Second, others will be inspired by your leadership.

Consider the unlikely victory of Lauren Boebert. She is a profile in courage. The newly elected Congressional Representative from Rifle, Colorado, fought the Republican and Democrat establishments and tapped into grassroots sentiments about gun rights.  

She beat all conventional predictions. With little money and no political experience, she beat an incumbent five-term Republican in the primary. Then she won the general election against a well-funded Democrat.

Republicans, you too can inspire us by standing strong at this testing time.

Third, don’t forget who brought you to the dance.

President Trump has invigorated patriotic Americans. He has united the Republican base around his America First agenda, and expanded that base to include Democrats who have a stake in American economic nationalism. His accomplishments are truly incredible.

On economic policy, tax cuts and deregulation led to growth rates of over three percent; rates that our betters told us time and time again could not happen. Bringing back manufacturing jobs. Rebuilding the economy to achieve record-low unemployment for minorities. Income gains for the bottom percentiles that exceeded gains for the top percentiles. Making America energy-independent.

 On foreign policy, moving the American embassy to Jerusalem. Establishing peace treaties between Israel and Arab countries. Strengthening the NATO alliance by demanding our allies pay their contracted fair share of the bill. Ending the dangerous Iran nuclear agreement. Pulling out of the defeatist Paris Climate Accord.

On national defense policy, rebuilding our depleted military. Initiating the U.S. Space Force. Wiping out ISIS and killing terrorist leaders. Pulling out of endless foreign wars. Peace through strength, again, instead of weakness by leading from behind.

On trade policy, replacing the unfair North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with a more-equitable trade deal, the United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA). Pulling out of negotiations for the disastrous Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). Using tariffs to make China and other nations stop their unfair trade practices.

Republicans, you can follow up on these successes.

Fourth, leading Republicans in Congress and the states owe Trump some reciprocity.

Having benefitted from President Trump’s accomplishments and his active support of GOP campaigns, you can now do the right thing by supporting this President and his America First agenda.

I’m not asking Republicans to cheat. I’m not even asking them to be partisan. I’m asking that Republicans secure the Constitution. The future of America is at stake.

Join President Trump’s fight for a fair and honest election. As true patriots, GOP loyalists will accept the outcome, but only after we see a vibrant and courageous search for truth.  Republicans, fear not.

Paul Prentice is a writer, teacher, and economics consultant in Colorado Springs. Contact: