Emboldened left won't win if Americans stand strong

(By David Prentice) A lot has been said about the newest, and somewhat overwhelming, push of the hard left.  Antifa, BLM, erasing history, wanton destruction, killings, virtual anarchy in certain places.

It’s hard not to see we are facing an emboldening on the left that seeks to overwhelm us.  It didn’t help that the guardians of the law, our supposed conservative court, has defaulted to this new lawlessness, that the mob seemingly overwhelmed them and their feigned sense of jurisprudence.

Which has emboldened the left even more.  They see this as a triumph for them.  They can taste the power, bask in their newfound legitimacy, and gloat about how awesome they are.  They can sense the excitement, so much so they are preparing thrones for themselves.

It is an emboldening that many have feared, a loosing of lawlessness and mob rule not seen too often in our history.  Oh, we as a country have had our moments, the Civil War was far worse, but this time is unique in its destructiveness, unique in how widespread, how organized, and how effective it has been here.  It has happened often elsewhere, but now it is up close and personal for America.

We have had race riots before, we have had political violence thrown at us by groups such as the Weathermen, had neo-Marxists deface property, demand we change our unjust ways, and have experienced corruption. We have seen this all before, this kind of thing is not new.

What is new is all these things happening at once; all piled high, all drastic.  All overwhelming.  And the left will keep pouring it on.

Conservatives and other normal people have been demoralized. Businesses have cowered before the mobs, donating money to them, hoping to be the last ones eaten by this monster.  Many conservative commentators have given up, saying we are now at the end of America. Pastors have, for the most part, ignored what is happening, calling for “social justice”, chastising Americans for being racist, or simply not being capable of recognizing, or calling out this emboldened evil in our midst.  

A perfect storm of epic proportions.

Where do we go from here?  How should we respond?  Let’s start here:

“Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”  Winston Churchill, 1941.

First, we stop giving up, we stop giving in.  A mindset we must embace.  

Next.  Try the Book of Proverbs as an antidote.   One of Solomon’s themes tells us over and over again how a broken spirit dries us up, and will wreak havoc on us.   That is what we have to avoid.   Don’t succumb.  

The intent of this putsch from the left is to destroy the American spirit.  Our first action, then: Guard your heart.  We cannot succumb to their lies; we cannot simply do nothing or evil will prevail.

We guard our hearts by looking to the goodness of God, or if you are not theistic, to the greatness of our Founders, or the Constitution.  We look to steady ourselves in the best of ways. And yes, that is the wisdom given us by Solomon long ago.  

He doesn’t mince words about the intent of evil.  Solomon makes a joke (my take) that it is better to face a mother bear guarding her cubs than try and deal these fools who seek to rebel and to bring evil upon a nation.

This wisest of men, Solomon repeats the following theme: “A good man obtains favor from the Lord, but a man of wicked intentions He will condemn.   A man is not established by wickedness,
But the root of the righteous cannot be moved” (Proverbs 12:2, 3).

So we push back against the evil the hard left is amassing; by entering God’s rest; by living productive lives.  We push back where we can, push back when somebody tries to defend the evils being done, and push back anywhere possible.  

But more than anything, we have to beat and outlast evil by holding fast to what we know is right.  Because it’s obvious to the vast majority of people that this desecration being done by the left is a horrifying way to live. 

We hold our fire.  Literally.  Because what the hard left wants us to do is overreact.  To push back violently.  To push back in anger.  To push back recklessly.  They win as follows:  

First, if we give up.  Second if we succumb to their level.  Third, if they can maintain their façade of moral superiority, and waltz into power.   We need to deny them all of these alternatives.

We push back by exalting a way of life that is fulfilling, a way of life that is compelling, a way of life that is life-affirming.  Call it Solomon’s Way. 

We push back when we refuse to acknowledge they have anything good to offer.  We push back when we refuse to give them anything but scorn, and when we chide their insanity.  We push back when we vote them out of power.  

Because we must not allow them to gain power ever again. We push back when we refuse to assent to their yoke.  We push back when we champion clear and good solutions.  We push back when we live well, making America great again.

Leftists are not invincible; they are not capable of showing an alternative to our way of life that isn’t horrifying.  That’s Solomon’s wisdom.  They are imploding as we watch.  They are unraveling as the country searches for answers.

“Better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven.” That defiant line from Milton’s Satan is their motto; living that way has no future.  It is a losing proposition, demonstrably awful. 

And that is the fine message Solomon gave.

Evil has its own demise within it.  It will fail.  Living lives that are fulfilling, in the Judeo-Christian tradition, in the tradition of Western Civilization, in the tradition of the great nation called America, is good in itself.   That is the best, most compelling, and lasting way we can defeat them.

I am not suggesting doing nothing; am not suggesting we ignore their evil; not suggesting we don’t encounter them politically. That would be insanity.   

What is clear is they are self-destructing, and simply unsustainable.  They have no answer; even Democrat voters dislike what they see.  Examples:  AOC’s removed (and awful) tweet about governors keeping state economies closed so Trump is hurt (Damn those little people hurt).  See also:  No Democrat is condemning this violent anarchy.    

Trump is pushing back appropriately.  He undercut BLM with awesome guidelines for police reform, while denying that we get rid of police.  They are pursuing the wrongdoing of Derek Chauvin while affirming policing. 

They are not taking the bait to invade Antifa or BLM zones, rather they are letting evil destroy themselves in the eyes of the nation. They are going after the source of their money, they are going after their leadership as terrorists, they are slowly, and quietly amassing wins against these groups without pursuing violent measures.  

Measures that will outlast them all.  Our efforts must be likewise.  We must hold our ground, live well, justly, and with grace.  Let the left continue to be shown as the crazy jackals they really are:

“The integrity of the upright will guide them.

But the perversity of the wicked will destroy them.

The righteousness of the blameless will direct his way aright.

But the wicked will fall by his own wickedness.

The righteousness of the upright will deliver them.

But the wicked will be taken by their own lust.

The righteous is delivered from trouble, and it comes to the wicked instead.”

(Proverbs 11:3-8)

 David Prentice lives in the Midwest. He has published in American Thinker and Epoch Times, and is now working on a novel. Contact: davidprentice2@yahoo.com


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