Great Expectations 2020: Good, Bad, and Ugly

(By David Prentice) Charles Dickens and Clint Eastwood, an odd couple indeed, peering together into the near future.  Whodathunkit?   

Ha!  Welcome to 2020.  It’s our version of the Hotel California.  You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.

2020.   Please God, can you usher in 2021 early?  

I guess not.  So, buckle up, because where we’re going, it’s going to get a whole lot more, um, interesting.  And as the movie line goes:  “Roads?  Where we’re going, we don’t need any roads…….

What is about to unfold in these next months is already unforgettable.   Expectations.  On the surface, mostly bad and ugly.

The first, maybe worst, and most obvious:  

At least once a week, sometimes daily, our Democrat/Media complex is going to make up new scandals why Donald Trump is the worst person in the world.  Ever.  God only knows how these people live with themselves and look in the mirror.  But they do.  And they are going to collectively spew new tales weekly, filled with sound and fury, signifying nothing.  

It’s a given.   Take it to the bank.  They’re going to keep misinforming us, lying to us, attempting to destroy this country.  They believe they’ll convince independent voters, or even Trump voters that he is:  1.   Reckless.  2.   Incompetent.  3.  Mean-spirited.  4.  Morally bankrupt.  5.  Unpatriotic.  6.  Deserves removal.    

All because they believe in their rightful power to lie to us.  

They collectively believe they have the right, and the duty to make up, collude with each other, to gaslight us, rather than report actual facts and news.   Because they can.   Fanning the flames of division is what these cretins were born for.  Convincing their left-leaning viewers and readers the awfulness of Trump/Hitler is their life.  The ugliest thing is their lack of self-awareness.  Why they do this, how bad they look, and how destructive they are, tis a mystery.  Especially them self-destructing before our eyes.

The second big ugly:  

“Mostly Peaceful” will be a narrative blared at us daily.  The latest cops murdered by BLM activist rhetoric?  Mostly peaceful.  Pay no attention to what you are actually seeing in the streets.  Fires, looting, murders, destruction of property in many cities, Molotov cocktails.  That’s not really happening.   Because “Mostly peaceful”.  All because we have a dishonest and ugly media.  Thank God for the brave citizens who are actually filming the awful, violent tactics of the left.   Because God knows, the Democrat/Media complex is not going to allow much of this leftist crap sandwich to be seen.  

Because they know it’s hurting (D’s) in the polls.

Third:   Good, bad, or ugly, Joe Biden will not debate.  

The marching orders are out, by Hillary and others.  He won’t debate because “Trump lies” so much.  Because Trump is clearly the worst person ever, he deserves no air time, and Joe can rely on the Democrat/Media complex to assure left-leaning voters, and anyone who will listen to them, that this is Trump’s fault.  

After all, the public can’t be allowed to see that Joe can’t put three coherent sentences together in an unscripted event like a debate.  Even one scripted by the Democrat/Media complex.  The game would be up.  I may be wrong, maybe he’ll have a “good day” where they think he might do all right.  But from what I’ve seen, at any time, he could start rambling about “Trump campaign’s violence against Biden supporters during the 2008 elections.”  Joe won’t debate (unless they fashion a way to fake it) and it will be laid at the feet of Donald Trump.

And now the very ugliest:

The left has decided violence is their ticket to winning.  Which means we can expect mostly peaceful violence, arson, and mayhem from the left and their two-headed monster of Antifa and BLM.   You can count on them to continue intimidating people who disagree, and these mobs will be increasingly uglier.  Why do I predict this?  Because they are announcing their intentions loudly, daily.  But it will get much worse after the votes are cast on November 3.   

It’s their plan, I believe them, we all should. 

Alongside the violence, their media toadies hope to deep-six the election process, making certain Biden never concedes.  Make sure they wait weeks so they can discover tons of fraudulent mail-in votes, make sure they complain about discredited ballots that weren’t filled out correctly, make sure they can fill the airwaves with narrative after narrative about how this election is being stolen.  Sowing chaos.  Again.   Damned Russians!

Brace yourself.  From election day on, the left (Democrat/Media complex) will begin the delegitimization of Trump’s second term.   They will fan the flames every hour, they will collude as violence erupts, seemingly everywhere.  The media will now show the burning, looting, maiming, and even murder in order to further their narrative:  “The people are angry that Trump stole the election.”  

Very ugly.  

Because the mainstream media will report this as fact, that America is being stolen by Trump.  And they will show the rioters as ordinary citizens who are angry.  It will be very organized.  It will go on for weeks, and if they get their way, all the way to the inaugural.

But here comes the very good part:, the Great Expectations.  

Trump is going to win.  Because we will show up at the polls, in person, on November 3rd.  The word is out.  Show up, no absentees.  End this madness.  Throw the hard-left, and their ugliness out. 

Yes, the beginning of the end of this process will be November 3.  When the silent majority shows up to the polls in huge numbers; the great humiliation of the Democrat/Media complex as we know it will occur.  Repeating:  Go to the polls in person.  Vote.  For your children, and their children.  

And then endure the planned violence from the left.

Take precautions, let the authorities unravel them and their plans.

Because the left is going to fail.  Bigly.

They have already turned most of America off, including a lot of Democrat voters.  Even many who get most of their news from MSNBC know:  the left is radical, ugly, and awful.  Very few want them in power. 

Don’t get cocky.  Because Trump needs to win in an epic landslide, one that keeps the Senate, and sweeps out Nancy.  Which will require us to work at getting rid of the cretinous left.  When that happens, the Democrat/Media complex will be facing years of humiliation.  Perhaps an unravelling.

After the mayhem:

The Covid hysteria will mysteriously disappear.  Becoming a bad disease only.

The left, and its media toadies will be on the run.

The economy will continue its recovery.  We will turn towards normalcy.

We will have the opportunity to return from brokenness.  Individually.  Corporately.

Our biggest challenge will be using the new grace period.  To turn ourselves towards greatness, to root out the long-term entrenchment of the left in our culture and institutions.

If you aren’t religious, work towards betterment, for yourself, your family, your community.  

If you see this as a time for spiritual renewal, try using this old blessing, put to song, fashioned in May by churches as a springboard.  Clint and Charles are smiling. The blessing of Numbers 6:24-26 (sung this way by Christians in Hawaii) will fulfill its purpose: 

 “The Lord bless you
    and keep you;
 the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;
 The Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.” 

Depend upon it!

 David Prentice lives in the Midwest. He has published in American Thinker and Epoch Times, and is now working on a novel. Contact:

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